Sunday, May 25, 2008

Stupid Gay!

I had my hair did, finally after 2 months. It was the first time I went to a parlor, I used to go to barber shops. I don't know what got into my mind, I usually don't care on how I look, I guess I am starting to realize my need for a new mate, hahaha.

To cut the story short, I don't like my new hair. Now I am on the mainstream gel-wearing part of the Philippine male society. My hair's all spiked up and effing messed up with varying hair strand lengths. What the hell??!!!!!

I take pride on my old boring hairdo. It fits my personality really really well, besides the fact that I resemble Jose Rizal, it gives me the feeling that I am one of the few people who give less effort on physical looks.

Oh well, what's done is done. I guess I'll just have to be happy on what I have and what I am now. But still, I am a perfectionist on my own accounts and have established a well defined image on people. This is like yelling that I do drugs, catch me and throw me to prison.

Note: this is not intended to stereotype. Just thinking out loud, hate stereotypes.

1 comment:

Chesster Tomboc said...

"I had my hair did"
badinger... XD